
I am going to be blogging my trip. This is a trip to celebrate my 50 years on this planet. I will try to post every day with pictures as we go.

Friday 8 April 2011

Wine is good...

Today we were picked up by Rob our fab guide. This was our last day with him which we are sad about. We started in the town of Stellenbosch which is a college town with lovely shops and art galleries. We waked around for a while and I poked into an antique book shop and found two old editions of Jane Austin's Pride and Predjuice and Sense and Sensibility.

We then went to a winery and did some tastings which were very yummy. From there we went to another winery and tasted wines and olive oils. Who knew olive oils could taste so different?

We had a lovely lunch at the winery and finished it off with some rooisbos tea which was quite a production.

We then stopped at a Dutch cape house museum that was really interesting..also on a winery...are you sensing a theme?

Our last stop was another winery where we got to test some sparking wine made in the champagne method. The winery was a small family run place. For those of you looking for recommendations we took pics of all of the labels for future reference. We are eating dinner now at our guest house and drinking one of the wines we bought.

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