
I am going to be blogging my trip. This is a trip to celebrate my 50 years on this planet. I will try to post every day with pictures as we go.

Wednesday 13 April 2011

Safari day 2

This morning the wake up call came at 5:30 for a 6am drive. We started out and immediately I spotted 4 hippos in the water. Did you know they are the most dangerous animal..don't get between them and water. We then saw some elephants very close up which was a little scary but also quite amazing. We then caught a lioness having her morning snooze. She was quite old In her pride and looked very peaceful. From there we heard that there was a male leopard around so we went in search of him. Matt tried tracking him for ages but we eventually gave up. We then saw a female leopard and went to follow her but lost her in about 10 seconds. We tried to find her again with some serious off roaring but no luck. On the way back to camp we saw lots of birds, mongoose and tiny squirrels the size of chipmunks.

After breakfast we went for a walk in the bush and got a bit caught in the middle of a bunch of elephants. We managed to get around them in the trucks and finished our walk.

We have another drive planned for later this afternoon. I really want to see a zebra and Moira wants to see a rhino. Keep your fingers crossed!

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