
I am going to be blogging my trip. This is a trip to celebrate my 50 years on this planet. I will try to post every day with pictures as we go.

Sunday 10 April 2011

Meryl Would Approve...

When we originally conceived of this trip it was loosely based on Meryl Streep in "Out of Africa"...."I had a farm in Africa..."  I know it is silly but we had visions of tea in a garden surrounded by buildings with thatched roofs.  That is not the new South Africa...then we came to Hunters Country House.  OMG.  Meryl would approve!  When we arrived Roxy the manager said and I quote.."You must be tired from your long journey...would you like a cup of tea?"  We had just driven 4 hours in a air conditioned car not traveled days by ox cart!  We then proceeded to have tea in the garden surrounded by thatched cottages.  Then she took us to our rooms.  Yes we are in a thatched cottage with a fire place, private garden and any other decadent indulgence you can imagine.  Moira was having back problems so after a few glasses of Pinotage to take the edge off, a massage therapist came to work out the kinks in her back while Cynthia, Sharon and I had our "sundowners" in the bomba.  Now a bomba is an outdoor fenced area in the bush, or in our case, a tented area with a fire pit, fire place, camp chairs, couches with ostrich stuffed pillows and Frank Sinatra playing in the background.  We had champers while we waited for her.  She came back feeling much better, not 100% but better.  We then headed down the candle lit path to the property next door for dinner which was lovely.  On the way back the other 3 stopped for after dinner tea in the bomba, I headed to bed.  We are heading into Plettenburg bay today for a half day and then are planning to come back to just hang out before we head to safari tomorrow.

Not sure how much I will be able to post while on safari but if not, I will do a full update when I get back to the airport.

All I can say about the past 24 hours is....Meryl would approve!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. It's great to be able to keep up with your travels. Is the puppy on the toilet paper a labrador?! luv, John S (married to Judy!!)
