
I am going to be blogging my trip. This is a trip to celebrate my 50 years on this planet. I will try to post every day with pictures as we go.

Tuesday 5 April 2011

Seals and Penguins and Heights ... Oh My!

Today has been an action packed day. We were picked up at 8:30 and taken to a fishing village where we hopped on a boat to go to a small island that was covered in seals. It was pretty smelly but fun to watch the animals dive in and out of the water. Then we visited the Cape of Good Hope which is the south western most point of the continent. It is not the most southern point. That is about 200k away...who knew! At the cape you could take a hike to the top which Sharon, Moira and Cynthia quite bravely did. I got about half way up and started to freak out..not a big fan of heights. I got down and waited for them. From there we took a drive up to coast to a lovely place for lunch. The drive up the coast was a bit like the california coastal highway but way prettier. Lunch was good and we had traditional south African dessert that I cannot recall the name of. We then walked down the street to penguin colony on what used to be the best beach around Cape Town until the penguins moved in about 25 years ago. We saw them digging holes for nests, feeding their babies and generally waddling around. They were pretty cute.

We then continued to drive up the coast through some of the costal towns where our guide Rob told us a naval story about a great Dane that was hired by the navy and guided with full military honors. The dog was called Just Nuisance. It was a pretty cool story.

Eventually we made our way to the cableway at table mountain. We took the cable up to the top which was beautiful until I found out that yes we were going to walk around the edge. It was scary...I am indeed a suss. I refrained from jumping across the crevice to stand on another rock because that seemed like all kinds of stupid! I did take a picture of them standing on the outcropping.

We just got back to our hotel exhausted and are now contemplating our next meal and most importantly our next wine! Tomorrow is Robbin Island which I expect to be very moving. Bye for now..maybe tomorrow we will have a guest blogger...stay tuned.

1 comment:

  1. I'm sure you are already keeping a wine diary, but if not start. It would be good to know if any of these great wines you are "investigating" are available here. Recommendations gratefully received.
