
I am going to be blogging my trip. This is a trip to celebrate my 50 years on this planet. I will try to post every day with pictures as we go.

Thursday 14 April 2011

4th time is a charm

So Moira has gone on three previous safaris but has never seen the elusive rink...well her streak is over...last night we saw rinos!!! She could not have been happier. We first say 3 then another two and then as we were heading back to camp we saw six on the landing strip..to call it an airport would be an exaggeration. We dubbed them the runway rinos. We then saw another three on this mornings drive.

Last night we also saw 3 lions ( two males a and a female). We followed one of the males down the road for quite a while in the pitch black. It was really moving and a bit scary when he stared right at you. He was less than 3 feet away when he wales by. We could have reached out and touched him.

This morning we went out and ended up finding the lion again. We lead us directly to where there were the remains of a impala that was likely killed the night before. The only part left was his spine, brain and horns. We watched him gnaw on that for a while and then we followed him to the rest of the family which consisted of a lioness and her 4 cubs. The cubs were about three months old. We ended up watching them play for almost 30 minutes. It was so much fun. They were so cute. It was like a scene from Born Free. On the trip back to camp we also saw a cape buffalo. He was quite intimidating . We tracked some hyenas today but did. Not find them. We have discovered if we bribe our guide Matt with beer he seems to find what we want to see. I already owe him one for the giraffe he found me this morning. if he can find the zebra and wildebeest tonight he will have a very fun night!

Tomorrow we start our trek home. I will try to post our last day at some point in the journey.

Until then

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